The Strength Is Not The Strength Of Hands And Body—But Indeed,The Strength Is That Of Heart And Creed (Aqidah):

3 min read6 days ago
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In Islam, "the strength is that of heart and creed" means that the true power of a Muslim lies not just in outward actions, but primarily in the depth of their inner Faith and conviction — as expressed through their belief in the core tenets of Islam (creed), which is deeply rooted in their heart; signifying sincerity and commitment to their religion beyond just physical practices.

Inner Strength:
The "heart" represents the center of one's being, where true Faith and devotion reside.

Importance Of Belief:
"Creed" refers to the core Islamic beliefs, like the oneness of God (Allah) and the prophethood of Muhammad(saw).

Beyond Outward Acts:

While good deeds are important, the true strength of a Muslim is derived From their sincere inner belief and intention.

Be unshakeable in your Faith and steadfast in your belief. Even if all of the people turn away, be steadfast! And even if all of the people setback, do not leave your uprightness.

In the long journey of life, where storms of adversity and trials relentlessly chase us, it is our Faith that serves as the anchor, grounding us. In these trying times, how can we hold onto our Faith? How does Islam tell us to keep our hearts alive?

